
October 26, 2011

11 Myths About Global Hunger

11 Myths About Global Hunger

October 24, 2011

Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak by kellastudio
Nasi Lemak, a photo by kellastudio on Flickr.

October 20, 2011

Knitting, Clackety-Clacks Fish and Tart

I kinda miss knitting. So i've started again after a long while. Knitting is therapeutic and relaxing. I love knit texture. Yarn from one of my yarnie trip in far away land of Norway from a distance past. I just knit, not sure what i will made maybe scarf or maybe a bag..let it be.

Clackety-Clacks Fish is Aira's favourite books. She loves it maybe because daddy is an entertaining storyteller making all those fish sounds.

Now more tartlet pics to entice you.

October 19, 2011

Farewell Datuk Param

This morning we had a farewell breakfast for Datuk Param who will retire end of this month.

Datuk with his many many gift.

Good bye Datuk....cute card.

Guess who made an appearance...ta...da...'Blueberry Cheese Tart'.

October 18, 2011

Our Tart reach KL Sentral

Our blueberry cheese tarts safely delivered to our client in KL Sentral, 80 pieces of cheesy goodness with blue ribbons and card. These are another 'Thank You Tarts'.

Today, i did the delivery myself in my new pink kebaya. Feel good with my new dress. Which i can't really wait to the beading.

October 13, 2011

Sexiness of Fruit Tartlet & Cheesiness of Blueberry Cheese Tart

Alhamdulillah, this morning safely delivered these heavenly tarts to my client in Jalan Raja Chulan. Mr Hubby the delivery guy (handsomest delivery guy in town). Hope they have a great moment with these tarts. Thank you.

Comment from previous client in Jalan Ipoh, 'mewahnya isi....pastu pastri nipis lak tu, macam buat untuk makan sendiri, kalau kat kedai tak boleh dapat camni'. Thank you dear.

Untuk tempahan boleh call saya, kella di talian 016-9707609 or my email

'To Order' Sticker

Dear friends, if you find this interesting, you may print and use this 'To Order' sticker for your products. And just leave a thank you notes in my comment box.

October 12, 2011

Kelas Memasak Siri 1

Another project with Chef Muz, Kelas Memasak Siri 1. Didalam kelas ini, anda akan mempelajari 3 jenis masakan :

Boston Cheese Cake
Nasi Beriani

Tarikh : 23 Oktober 2011 (Ahad)
Masa : 9 pagi hingga 3 petang
Tempat : Bakery di Selayang
Yuran : RM100.00

Jika berminat boleh hubungi saya, Kella ditalian 0169707609 atau email saya

October 9, 2011

Blueberry Cheese Tart

Salam semua. Dah lama tak berblogging, baru nak mula biz bakeri dengan my guru in baking cep muz. Doing a lot of marketing for his juicy and sexy cheese tart. Alhamdullillah, today safely delivered blueberry cheese tart and fruit tarlet to a legal firm client. A thank you tart for the firm from another firm....thank you, Baini.

Kalau berminat untuk tempahan boleh hubungi saya di talian 016-9707609 atau email saya di

p/s : for crafters friends....update in my crafting life....i am so into beading embroidery. Will post some pic in my latest adventure later.
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